distribution of diversify partners in europe
DIVERSIFY is a consortium of 20 RTD organizations (Universities and Research Centers), 9 Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), 3 Large Enterprises and 6 Professional Associations. Partners were drawn from 10 European Union Countries (Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany and Hungary) and 2 Member States (Israel and Norway).
The Partners have verifiable excellence and expertise in the (a) diversification of fish species and products in European aquaculture, (b) the species selected: meagre, greater amberjack, pikeperch, Atlantic halibut, wreckfish and grey mullet and (c) the required research areas: reproduction, genetics, nutrition, fish health larval rearing and grow out husbandry, as well as in aspects related to market dynamics, new product development, adding value to raw products, processors’, consumers’ and retailers’ preferences, etc.
The composition of DIVERSIFY was selected to ensure adequate transfer of knowledge and techniques between Partners from different geographic locations as well as between the different fish species. It also aims at creating an active dialogue between researchers on the one hand and aquaculture breeders, producers, retailers and aquaculture feed producers on the other. This is in order to ensure transfer of knowledge to the aquaculture sector. To ensure also that the planned deliverables will not be hampered by relying on just one Partner working with a certain species, the activities of DIVERSIFY have been distributed widely among appropriate Partners:
· Meagre: 9 RTDs, 1 SME, 2 large enterprises
· Greater amberjack: 8 RTDs, 4 SMEs, 1 large enterprise
· Pikeperch: 8 RTDs, 1 SME
· Atlantic halibut: 4 RTDs, 1 large enterprise
· Wreckfish: 7 RTDs, 1 large enterprise
· Grey mullet: 8 RTDs, 4 SMEs
The Partners have verifiable excellence and expertise in the (a) diversification of fish species and products in European aquaculture, (b) the species selected: meagre, greater amberjack, pikeperch, Atlantic halibut, wreckfish and grey mullet and (c) the required research areas: reproduction, genetics, nutrition, fish health larval rearing and grow out husbandry, as well as in aspects related to market dynamics, new product development, adding value to raw products, processors’, consumers’ and retailers’ preferences, etc.
The composition of DIVERSIFY was selected to ensure adequate transfer of knowledge and techniques between Partners from different geographic locations as well as between the different fish species. It also aims at creating an active dialogue between researchers on the one hand and aquaculture breeders, producers, retailers and aquaculture feed producers on the other. This is in order to ensure transfer of knowledge to the aquaculture sector. To ensure also that the planned deliverables will not be hampered by relying on just one Partner working with a certain species, the activities of DIVERSIFY have been distributed widely among appropriate Partners:
· Meagre: 9 RTDs, 1 SME, 2 large enterprises
· Greater amberjack: 8 RTDs, 4 SMEs, 1 large enterprise
· Pikeperch: 8 RTDs, 1 SME
· Atlantic halibut: 4 RTDs, 1 large enterprise
· Wreckfish: 7 RTDs, 1 large enterprise
· Grey mullet: 8 RTDs, 4 SMEs