Dissemination strategy and activities
Work Programme 2013 supports strongly the dissemination of research results and technology, and knowledge transfer activities, so that innovative knowledge can lead to innovative applications. A special emphasis is given towards SMEs, and the particular proposal is targeted towards SMEs. Therefore, DIVERSIFY is dedicating a substantial effort to dissemination activities and has allocated a budget of 354.753 € of EU contribution (4.0% of the project) for various activities directed towards (a) aquaculture and food scientists, (b) the commercial aquaculture sector, including SMEs, (c) the food processing industry, (d) relevant regulators and (e) consumers.
DIVERSIFY includes a strong effort not only in species diversification but also in the diversification of the farmed product available to the consumer. In this regard, retailers play a much stronger role in forming consumer preferences and are an indispensable link between producer and consumer. Furthermore, effective communication to policy makers and standard bodies will also be very powerful and beneficial for the industry. A preliminary plan to reach each target audience has been designed (Table 2, next page).
From the start of the project a dedicated programme web site will be set up (fish DIVERSIFY.com), which will include (a) information on the objectives and main tasks, (b) a free-subscription newsletter with regular updates on the project, (c) downloadable documentation on the project for the general public, video podcasts and/or radio podcasts with interviews of project scientists and/or authorities or experts in the project scope, (d) links to abstracts and presentations made in scientific conferences, and to scientific articles, and (e) a blog page for interactions with scientists and aquaculturists, for the acquisition of feedback on DIVERSIFY. Content development will be done by the WP 31 Dissemination leader in collaboration with the WP Species leaders. A project brochure will be prepared, including the project’s logo, web site, and detailed datasheets on the objectives, specific issues and WPs addressed by the project. An intranet will also be developed within the website, to provide a means exchange of data and documents among the project’s Partners. The means of evaluating the success of the dissemination actions carried out for each target audience will be established via web (on line questionnaire) and via email, to allow the consortium to rely on indicators that will help to measure the effect of the communication efforts.
Partners APROMAR, FGM, BVFi, MASZ, ANF, EUFIC and CTAQUA have the resources and capacity to access main stakeholders in the European aquaculture sector. These organizations agglomerate members from the production sector (fingerling producers and grow out farmers), feed manufacturers, equipment suppliers, fish and shellfish processors, distributors and consumers. The partners have regular contacts with governamental organizations, regional and national policy decision makers, fishing industry representatives, NGO’s and the media, which allow the broadcasting of the project advances and results.
During the Annual Coordination Meetings, dissemination of results will be made to relevant parties outside DIVERSIFY, who will be invited to attend these meetings. This practice was undertaken in previous EU FP 5 and 7 projects (REPRODOTT and SELFDOTT) and proved very successful for the rapid dissemination of knowledge to the relevant stakeholders. The first two days of the meetings will be attended by aquaculture researchers and stakeholders interested in the selected species, both from Europe and world-wide --the total number of participants not exceeding 60 individuals, in order to allow for easy and fruitful interactions. The first day and the morning of the second day, there will be presentations by the WP leaders and selected researchers in charge of the various tasks of the projects, of the work accomplished and results obtained in DIVERSIFY during the previous 12-month period. In the afternoon of the second day, there will be presentations from invited speakers of international acclaim in the field of research and culture of some of the selected species. The presentations made during these two days will provide both Partners and invited guests with an overview of the work carried out in each species (and relatives from around the world), giving everybody the opportunity to influence and benefit from each others’ work, and ensuring rapid dissemination of the project’s results. This bottom-up approach will allow the forming of a consensus in the development of new scientific advances.
DIVERSIFY includes a strong effort not only in species diversification but also in the diversification of the farmed product available to the consumer. In this regard, retailers play a much stronger role in forming consumer preferences and are an indispensable link between producer and consumer. Furthermore, effective communication to policy makers and standard bodies will also be very powerful and beneficial for the industry. A preliminary plan to reach each target audience has been designed (Table 2, next page).
From the start of the project a dedicated programme web site will be set up (fish DIVERSIFY.com), which will include (a) information on the objectives and main tasks, (b) a free-subscription newsletter with regular updates on the project, (c) downloadable documentation on the project for the general public, video podcasts and/or radio podcasts with interviews of project scientists and/or authorities or experts in the project scope, (d) links to abstracts and presentations made in scientific conferences, and to scientific articles, and (e) a blog page for interactions with scientists and aquaculturists, for the acquisition of feedback on DIVERSIFY. Content development will be done by the WP 31 Dissemination leader in collaboration with the WP Species leaders. A project brochure will be prepared, including the project’s logo, web site, and detailed datasheets on the objectives, specific issues and WPs addressed by the project. An intranet will also be developed within the website, to provide a means exchange of data and documents among the project’s Partners. The means of evaluating the success of the dissemination actions carried out for each target audience will be established via web (on line questionnaire) and via email, to allow the consortium to rely on indicators that will help to measure the effect of the communication efforts.
Partners APROMAR, FGM, BVFi, MASZ, ANF, EUFIC and CTAQUA have the resources and capacity to access main stakeholders in the European aquaculture sector. These organizations agglomerate members from the production sector (fingerling producers and grow out farmers), feed manufacturers, equipment suppliers, fish and shellfish processors, distributors and consumers. The partners have regular contacts with governamental organizations, regional and national policy decision makers, fishing industry representatives, NGO’s and the media, which allow the broadcasting of the project advances and results.
During the Annual Coordination Meetings, dissemination of results will be made to relevant parties outside DIVERSIFY, who will be invited to attend these meetings. This practice was undertaken in previous EU FP 5 and 7 projects (REPRODOTT and SELFDOTT) and proved very successful for the rapid dissemination of knowledge to the relevant stakeholders. The first two days of the meetings will be attended by aquaculture researchers and stakeholders interested in the selected species, both from Europe and world-wide --the total number of participants not exceeding 60 individuals, in order to allow for easy and fruitful interactions. The first day and the morning of the second day, there will be presentations by the WP leaders and selected researchers in charge of the various tasks of the projects, of the work accomplished and results obtained in DIVERSIFY during the previous 12-month period. In the afternoon of the second day, there will be presentations from invited speakers of international acclaim in the field of research and culture of some of the selected species. The presentations made during these two days will provide both Partners and invited guests with an overview of the work carried out in each species (and relatives from around the world), giving everybody the opportunity to influence and benefit from each others’ work, and ensuring rapid dissemination of the project’s results. This bottom-up approach will allow the forming of a consensus in the development of new scientific advances.
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The work and presentations in this website have been carried out with financial support from the Commission of the European Communities, specific RTD programme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7-KBBE-2013-07 single stage, GA 603121 DIVERSIFY).